
WC: 2754 - Chapter 2 Complete

I waited and waited and waited, then finally at around 3am started typing, not really sure yet where I was going with the story. But chapter 2 ended up adding a lot more to the plot, giving me a solid possibility to work with. The best part is that I have a few different ways to work it in with chapter 1 later, so we'll see.

Anyhow, dialogue was finally introduced. In fact, that's almost all that it is, one long (interesting) conversation. If you read it, feel free to praise me, criticize me, scold me, etc....

Chapter 2 download - (pdf)

I've also added a link on the right to download the cumulative work in pdf format. Seperate chapters will remain in the posts for now.


Blogger Matt said...

I like the dialogue here. I'm not sure where it's headed, but as I read the exchange, I believe these characters exist. Also, I'm intrigued by this idea that in order to truly change we need to stop watching ourselves. That's interesting. Best of luck with this.

November 9, 2004 at 6:52 PM  

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