
WC: 10062 - I made it to 5 digits!!!

Wow, taking 12 days off just doesn't seem like the smartest thing to be doing when trying to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. But, I did it anway. Now I will pay for it.

Like tonight, over 3,000 words in under 3 hours. Knowing that I'm going to have to do the same thing when I get home from work and hopefully be inspired enough to make the 19th a 10,000 word day overall. Ha, good luck with that.

Anyhow, here are the newest chapters in the story (pdf files):

If you haven't started the novel yet, the full 23 page pdf is on the right side of the page here, you could choose to check that out as well.

I'll be back tomorrow (tonight)!


WC:6610 - Now it's kickin

Tonight has been deemed "try like hell to catch-up" night. I haven't had a chance to write at all with work and the election and other nonsense things that I can use as an excuse. Tonight though, I raised the word count by more than double, so there's something to be happy about.

If you so choose, here are the links for the pdf files if you would like to read them:


WC: 2754 - Chapter 2 Complete

I waited and waited and waited, then finally at around 3am started typing, not really sure yet where I was going with the story. But chapter 2 ended up adding a lot more to the plot, giving me a solid possibility to work with. The best part is that I have a few different ways to work it in with chapter 1 later, so we'll see.

Anyhow, dialogue was finally introduced. In fact, that's almost all that it is, one long (interesting) conversation. If you read it, feel free to praise me, criticize me, scold me, etc....

Chapter 2 download - (pdf)

I've also added a link on the right to download the cumulative work in pdf format. Seperate chapters will remain in the posts for now.



Yup, so I almost pulled the pdf down this morning and quit all together... It's scary tossing unfinished stuff out to the blogger masses. Must remind self "no chance of failing, at least I'm trying".

WC:1402 - Chapter 1 complete

Well then, I didn't think it was really going to take me 3 hours to write the first 1400 words, but I in all fairness I did have a few distractions that kept me from concentrating. Right now the story involves the narrator, or whatever you call those first person folk, driving in a car, fighting through the many random thoughts that appear when one does so.

Chapter 1 download - (pdf)

Go time

word count: 0, here we go!


Almost, almost, almost...........

Only 1 hour and 9 minutes left for us Central time zone people.... I still have no idea what the story is going to be about. It'll be the best novel I've ever written though, so that'll be interesting.

Good luck all!


Everything Inspires

For lack of a better over-used cliche, trying to find inspiration can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack at times.... other times, the needle finds you (ouch!) and inspiration falls right into your lap.

All of you artists/writers/musicians/lifelivers probably know what I'm talking about. Those times where you think to yourself, "I wonder if I'll ever (insert creative task here) something good again". I know I often forget my own motto: "everything inspires" and get caught up trying to force myself into something....

Anyhow, the real point. I've been trying to force inspiration upon myself for the upcoming novel competition, and although I have a very vague idea, I feel like I need more ideas to integrate into the story. I've been falling asleep with Donnie Darko playing in the back just to cause myself to have messed up dreams. That worked somewhat, but it can be kind of hard to make sense of those dreams later when you wake up. All they have really been good for so far is character development. Sure enough though, after several days of that, I stopped having memorable dreams, my brain got used to it and the ispiration faucet ran empty.

Tonight though... stumbling through the web at a neck-breaking pace, I tripped over a real treat:

Nick Drake's "Second Grace (Demos and Outtakes)

The quality isn't that great, but some of the songs are excellent. After the first quick browse through in the mp3 player, I realized that there may be a couple themes in common with the novel, so I listened closer. Whether or not it does end up enhancing the attitude behind the story, we'll see. But at least I found some cool songs.



the night music sings to me every day
and late when I wake this world feels so strange
I can't believe that your days are all grey
but the beautiful night noise takes it away